It’s not uncommon to associate sexuality with art, cuisine, and almost every other aspect of life. Sex is such a basic human need that it’s present all around us. And in this day and age of arguable over-sexualization, seeing shapes and forms that resemble male and female genitals isn’t strange at all. However, phallus art was a common theme for ancient cultures too.
Some of the oldest archeological artifacts and discoveries revolve around fertility. Moreover, penis drawings are a somewhat common sight in prehistoric caves and settlements. In the early days of human civilization, phallic symbols would always find a way to a wall or item. Therefore, we aim to demystify our fascination with penis art and explain the reasons behind it in our article below.
Let’s Go Back in Time
We’ve all heard the tale of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. Standing in all its glory underneath Mount Vesuvius, it was destroyed in a volcano eruption. But once thorough excavations began in the 18th century, archaeologists found an enormous amount of phallic art scattered across the remains of the once-great city. They still debate the reasons behind it, thinking there was a huge fertility cult present. Understanding erotic art in this context helps us see how deeply rooted our fascination with sexual imagery is, transcending mere decoration to symbolize fertility, power, and protection.
However, Romans weren’t the only ancient civilization obsessing with phalluses. Years before the Romans, prehistoric tribes would decorate their caves with primitive penis depictions. One of the examples is an 8,000-year-old artwork in southern Asia Minor where scientists found illustrations of a human-like figure with an erect penis pointing to the ground. Although primitive, it still shows our fascination with male genitals.
But when it comes to reasons why we enjoy such content, opinions are many. Nevertheless, one seems to top all others. Scientists argue that it all comes down to fertility cults when we talk about ancient wooden phalluses, drawings, and sculptures. Similar to female depictions, old cultures were aware of the importance of healthy and potent males. This historical context raises an intriguing question: can pornography be considered as art? The line between erotic art and pornography often blurs, as both can evoke emotional and aesthetic responses, albeit in different ways.
On the other hand, some archaeologists claim the importance of “deflowering rituals.” And seeing how penises are a huge part of a female entering the adult world, it’s easy to understand the importance of ancient wooden dildos. Still, there’s so much interesting phallic art around the world, outside the common reach of ancient Egyptian, Roman, or Greek art. Therefore, we’re heading to the Far East!
Phallic Art Around the World
We’re pretty much sure you’ve never heard of Drukpa Kunley, and that’s okay. After all, he was an obscure 15-16th century Bhutanese monk. However, Drukpa’s unorthodox heritage left us with tons of phallic art all over rural Bhutan, meant to ward off evil spirits and gossip. He was a bizarre person, to say the least.
Some in Bhutan find these art pieces embarrassing. But you can still see penis art on houses, Drukpa’s monastery “Chimi Lhakhang,” and other buildings outside city centers. Scientists argue that phallus symbols predate Buddhism and come from an older time when Bhutanese people worshiped various ethnic religions associated with the cult of Bon.
Further down the road, there’s Taiwan. Similar to other Asian countries, in Taiwan, you can find all sorts of weird stuff in open markets. Among tasty food and cheap, bizarre accessories, you can find dick-shaped food everywhere. Yup, you’ve read that correctly. Taiwanese people love penis-like food.
These penile waffles are called Gaykes. And like dildos, Gaykes comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors. Moreover, they’re pretty tasty. You can also find phallic hot dogs, but that’s a bit cliche, isn’t it? Still, these food products are more than welcome at ladies nights and bachelor parties.
South Korea
Finally, our favorite is Haesindang Park in South Korea. People also call it the Penis Park since it’s full of penile sculptures. From three-meter trunks to hanging penis trees that lurk from above, dongs are almost everywhere. It’s a place where you can lift your spirit with joy, spirituality, and sexuality, as South Koreans like to say. They also have a museum near the park, full of sexual iconography. This celebration of phallic symbols highlights the playful and spiritual aspects of sexuality, mirroring the enthusiasm some have for unique sex toys. For example, horse dildos are great for those looking to explore their wildest fantasies, offering an adventurous addition to their sexual experiences.
Men Draw Dicks on Everything
We’re quite sure you’ve seen a drawing or two of a penis in a sketchbook, some graffiti, or a dick on top of a snow-covered car. And if you take a minute and think about it, it seems like dongs are all around us. But why is this so? Are penises that important?
Psychologists always refer to Freud when you ask them about this phenomenon. In their minds, it has something to do with the relationship of a young boy and his mother. Once the son becomes aware that his mother has no penis, he fears that he’ll also lose it and be ridiculed by others. Hence, his mind is always subconsciously fearing castration.
However, people like to argue that penises symbolize power and dominance. For some, this claim might be true, but it also comes down to what your personal feelings about male dominance are. We’re pretty sure that applying power to male genitals is strictly subjective and differs from person to person. After all, power lies everywhere we want it to.
Interestingly, the pervasive presence of phallic imagery can be linked to broader discussions on how erotica can be great for your mental health. Engaging with erotica, whether through visual art, literature, or other forms, can help reduce stress, stimulate imagination, and promote a healthier attitude towards sexuality. This positive aspect of erotica contrasts the sometimes trivial or humorous depictions of penises in everyday life, showing that sexual expression can have significant mental health benefits.
In case you’ve seen Greg Mottola’s 2007 comedy “Superbad,” we’re pretty sure you remember Jonah Hill’s character, who enjoys drawing dicks constantly. Although it’s a silly piece of writing, it’s pretty common for kids to sketch phalluses. In some ways, their whole worlds revolve around sex in puberty. And these feelings rarely go away, making penises pillars of male culture.
Are We Obsessed With Penises?
Some would argue that we’re obsessed with genitalia. Moreover, they would attribute this fantasy to a male-centric culture we live in. Like James Brown famously sang — “It’s a man’s world”. But is it really? Sure, some extreme feminists would say so, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true.
Objectifying men in terms of their genitals is banal and shallow. No matter what, looking at males through the prism of their dick size is the same as viewing women as sex objects. Moreover, it’s stupid, dangerous, and counterproductive.
Instead, there’s nothing wrong with celebrating and exploring the male body. Talking openly about our sexuality can be productive in various ways. It can help us understand different points of view, cultures, and ideas. Therefore, it’s important not to think of penises as enemies or symbols of misogyny when put in the right context.
Penises are also an obsession of so many famous and celebrated artists, from Louise Bourgeois to the likes of Herman Makkink, Andy Warhol, and Constantin Brancusi. It seems like everyone enjoys a dick or two in one way or another. And you can’t think of them as bigots, sexists, or anything similar.
In the end, it’s simple self-expression. Dicks mustn’t become a symbol of something off-putting or tasteless. And like any other part of the human body, penises are a never-ending source of inspiration and beauty. So, don’t stop thinking about them and draw them whenever you feel like you want to.